Friday, December 24, 2010

2010 My Top 6 Favorite Movies

Well 2010 is almost over and my blogging has not been what I wanted it to be but all can do is strive to improve the frequency of my blogs in 2011. The content of my blogs never concerns me as I enjoy writing them and if people don’t wish to read them there is lots of other things to read on the Internet.

Since it is almost the end of 2010 and everyone is putting out their best of lists I thought I would put together my top 6 of 2010 movies. These are movies I saw, not movies that were necessarily made in 2010 nor movies that were released in theatres in 2010. I may have seen them at a film festival and they may not have wide screen release yet. Also they are not listed in any particular order so don’t think where they are on list makes them better than others.

OK let’s begin I will list them and then provide details on each where I saw it, what it’s about, little review, etc.

High School


Piranha 3D

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage

Now with some details I will provide again in no discernible order

Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage

I read about this documentary I think in Classic Rock magazine and figured it would be gone from the theatres or not be playing where I live. The documentary made by Scot McFayden and Sam Dunn who also made Headbangers and Iron Maiden; Flight 666 sounded worth investigating I checked and it was playing at the Uptown a small art house theatre in Calgary, well for Father’s Day my daughter and I went for supper and then to the Rush documentary.

From the very beginning to the end it was brilliant and I am not afraid to say that there were times I was getting misty eyed thinking back to memories associated with the Rush history and songs. From every classic rock station to Jack Black movies, remember School of Rock and Jack Black tutelage on the drums by listening to Rush, this band is everywhere. They are 3rd on the list for the number of Gold and Platinum records behind only The Beatles and Rolling Stones.

The documentary starts in their early days when Alex Lifeson moved from Fernie B.C, to Toronto and moved in to the same neighborhood that Geddy Lee lived and a friendship was started. During their teenage years together with drummer John Rutsey was formed and they started playing school dances and community halls. They were not making much of a living and Rush may have gone the way of many bands who have massive talent but don’t get their break but 2 things happen.

Ontario, changed the drinking age to 18 allowing Rush to play bar gigs and earn 4-5 times what they were previously earning and a late night DJ in Cleveland Ohio played the B side of Rush demo single with the song “Working Man”. Almost instantly people were calling asking when the new Zeppelin album was coming out, after a few days Rush were rushing calls from US labels and the rest is history as they say.

A change in the line-up saw John Rutsey being replaced by Neil Peart due to health reasons and the band was ready to take on the world.

The documentary covers from the beginnings though the tours with the likes of Kiss, UFO and others. It shows the playful side of the band and also the commitment of the band. The quote from Gene Simmons of Kiss with regards to the after show partying and girls and where Rush “In their hotel room watching TV” shows that to Rush the music was their business and entertaining the fans their goal.

The documentary covers the fantasy period during which Rush delved into long songs dealing with LOTR and Ayn Rand The Fountainhead and the fun that UFO had with them on tour. The stories of UFO stapling there robes to the stage and other pranks and Rush’s reaction to this was humorous to hear about. Then the changes in the band to integrate more keyboards into the sound and the strife it caused internally but through it all the band still focused on their music.

The movie spans the entire career of the band and also deals with the deaths of Neil Peart’s wife and daughter and subsequent healing process. If you are a Rush fan this is a must see and if you are a music fan then this would be enjoyable.

The scene with the 3 of them sitting around at a hunting lodge having dinner enjoying wine from one of their own vintages, discussing everything from the next album to the history of the band to anything else that came to mind is priceless.

Below are the link for the trailer and a Q&A from Geddy Lee, Alex Liefson, and the film makers

This blog will continue with the next movie in the list.


Ladies and gentlemen Ross Gellar, people this not your “Friends” Ross Gellar, this is David Schwimmer at his best. This movie was part of TIFF 2010 which I try to make a yearly pilgrimage to find some hidden gems amongst the Hollywood block buster and zombie movies. I was interested in this movie due to a few facts, that David Schwimmer was directing and the story sounded interesting and topical.

A typical happy family, Will (Clive Owen) and Lynn (Catherine Keener) Cameron have 3 children, a son going off to college a little girl of about 10 and Annie (Liana Liberto) who is 14. The family is successful, well to do and all the kids seem well rounded, balanced no drugs, no heavy drinking. There appears to be good communications between the parents and the kids and everything is going along smoothly.

On Annie’s 14th birthday Annie is given a laptop and soon begins to chat with Charlie (Chris Henry Coffey) and soon we see things are not what they seem to be in this “perfect” family. There seems to be some distance between Annie and her parents, her older brother was her confidante/buffer and with him gone this distance seems to grow. Into this void Annie has found Charlie. This movie shows how these on line pedophiles slowly work their way into this kids lives and isolate them from their friends, family, anything that will give them support or allow them to challenge the pedophile.

This movie works on 2 levels or stories one being Annie and what she goes through and the other being Will and his inability to protect his family and deal with what has happen to his daughter. David Schwimmer has done an excellent job in depicting a subject that is not usually portrayed with such frankness and honesty. There is no graphic sex or nudity but there are scenes that will anger and disturb you and yet you are compelled to watch.

This movie should have put David Schwimmer on the map but last I heard it was being held up by the MPAA over an R rating and David is fighting and rightfully so. This movie does not have any graphic violence or graphic nudity but does have the depiction of a sexual assault of a 14 year old. This is a movie all parents should see and as a parent when I watched it I got more and more angry at Charlie as he slowly manipulated Annie into a situation to which she saw no escape.

The other thing that is great about this movie is it shows life past the sexual assault and the start of the healing process but does not have the “pat” Hollywood ending. When something like this happens to a family it can take years for the damage to heal if it ever heals. David Schwimmer has worked with a rape crisis center in California for over 12 years so this problem is something he is very familiar with.

I will be looking forward to the next David Schwimmer movie after Run Fatboy Run and Trust what is next for this up and coming director.

Below is a link to a teaser trailer for this movie but I can't guarantee how long it will be available.


Midnight Madness at TIFF is a collection of horror, martial arts and generally fringe movies shown each night at 11:59 P.M. Some years the theme is heavily zombies, some years martial arts and some years such as 2010 a mishmash of a little of everything. The high light of 2010 in my opinion was a dark and violent vampire epic called Stakeland. These are not sparkly baseball playing vampires or serve fake blood in a bar vampires these mofo’s will kill you in an instant and there tougher than hell to kill vampires.

A few years ago a movie called Mulberry Street played at TADD (Toronto after Dark) and was well received well the director Jim Mickle always wanted to play MM at TIFF and in 2010 he accomplished this dream with Stakeland. Like Mulberry Street. Stakeland was co-written and stars Nick Dimici and this movie oozes darkness and apocalyptic feel in a world gone bad populated by vampires and religious nut jobs.

The movie starts with a news broadcast saying it is not safe to be out at night with the vampire plaque beset on the world and we cut to a family in a lone barn. They are desperately trying to start there car and next the dog runs out of the barn and a teenage boy goes after it. He is quickly tackled by a man and after hearing some noises coming from the barn he tells this boy “your family are all fucking dead and if you make a sound I will kill you”. This is “Mister” (Nick Dimici) and he is our hero or anti-hero depending on how you look at him. Together they enter the barn and find the boy’s family dead and then as Mister’s flashlight beam plays across the barn we see a vampire feeding on a baby, Martin’s sibling. This all happens in the first 10 minutes so you know you are in for one hell of a ride.

We travel with Mister and Martin across what use to be southern US, finding and killing vampires and trading for goods. There is never a reason explained for why Mister hates vampires and hates religious people and this just adds to his demeanor as one bad mother fucker which he is. They search for safe place to live and also for the mythical “New Eden” which everyone talks about but none have ever seen.

To add to the problems of a world plaqued with vampires we have religious nut jobs who believe the vampire infestation is an act of god. This is a movie that does not pull any punches and does not scrimp on the gore and violence.

From a baby being eaten by a vampire to a pregnant woman being bled out and devoured by a religious nut job turned vampire this movie delivers on all cylinders. Then it has an ending that does not wrap everything up in a neat bow but leaves you wondering what will happen next.

Mister is one of the most iconic cinematic characters ever developed and the sad thing is very few people will ever get to see his brilliance as this movie will most likely never get a wide release. When it is released on DVD it will popular for years to come that is for sure.

Below is a link to a trailer for Stakeland

Here is a link to some comments from stars and director on premier night at TIFF 2010

High School

Toronto after Dark film festival better known as TADD features zombie films, martial arts films, sci-fi films and generally all things scary and strange. It was with some trepidation that I went to High School a stoner comedy starring Adrien Brody and Michael Chiklis, what was an Oscar winner and The Thing doing in a stoner comedy. Wow, was I surprised by a movie that was entertaining, side splitting funny and all around just a fun time. I will be the first to admit I am not a fan of comedies and find little in movies humorous.

Henry Burke (Matt Bush) is the schools valedictorian and honor student and all round future of the school. He has his life planned out, university, career, wife everything and it is the last week of high school. He runs into Travis (Sean Marquette) who he was friends with back in grade school and Travis convinces Henry to try some weed for the first time, school’s almost done what harm can there be.

Meanwhile we see the school’s spelling bee contestant absolutely baked trying to compete and the scene is hilarious. The Principal Gordon (Michael Chiklis) institutes a zero tolerance policy and orders mandatory drug testing for all students. Henry is screwed and begins to freak out and then Travis comes up with a wild idea, they will get the entire school stoned staff and all and this will invalidate the test.

Enter psycho Ed (Adrien Brody) who Travis says has this killer weed and we have the makings of a movie that should go down in the annals of stoner comedies but so far has not even seen a sniff of a release or distributor. The pair Henry and Travis steal the “killer weed” and attempt to replace the brownies for the bake sale with special brownies.

The only hitch in their plan is Adhir Sebastian Saleem) the straight laces Indian kid who suspects something is amiss. The scenes with the teachers after they get stoned and the parents running the bake sale are priceless. Then when their plan seems to be working psycho Ed shows up looking for his killer weed and things begin to get crazy.

This movie will have you laughing from the beginning to the end and does not disappoint, shows the potential of young actors like Matt Bush and Sean Maquette as well as the reason Adrien Brody is an Oscar winner. To have the range to play The Pianist and also psycho Ed shows Mr. Brody will be around for a long time to come.

Below is a link to a teaser trailer

Below is  link to some red carpet coverage for High School from Sundance

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I go to a lot of film festivals and every once in awhile you see a movie and say how did I miss that at the film festival, (The Hurt Locker) was like that and this next movie falls into that category as well. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which is the English translation of the Swedish movie which was release a year before. This is the first of 3 movies of the Millennium trilogy by Swedish author Søren Stærmose who also wrote The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest.

GWTDT was an incredible movie about a reporter Mikael who is sentenced to a short jail term after losing a libel case and while waiting for the date to report to jail, is hired by a rich industrialist Henrik-Ers. Mikael is hired to look into the disappearance 40 years ago of Henrik-Ers niece, he is convinced she has been murdered and not just murdered but murdered by a member of his family.

Mikael soon learns he his being stalked by a brilliant but un-orthodox computer hack Lisbeth who is dealing with her own issues. Soon Lisbeth as part of her monitoring Mikael gets draw into the mystery of the missing niece and the two of them form both an uneasy business and personal relationship.

The movie flows very well and introduces to a number of family members who could be a murder but as the movie works it’s way we soon find that it is not a single murder that Mikael is investigating but the work of a serial killer. One night upon returning to the apartment they share they find the lock has been picked and someone has gone through their research material. When Mikael confronts who he has deduced who the killer is he is blind sided and only with Lisbeth’s help are they able to escape with their lives.

The mystery is solved and when Mikael is in jail for his libel sentence he receives a visit from Lisbeth and she gives him a large amount of reading material and in it he finds prove that the libel conviction was bogus. Upon his release he publishes his the information on the industrialist and clears his name.

This movie was 2.5 hours plus and felt like it was barely 90 minutes as it moved quickly and kept you entertained, it did not drag and you did not see all the plot twists coming. It had some intense scenes and some people may be offended.

Below is a link for a trailer for the movie

Below is a link to a short interview with Noomi Rapace who plays Lisbeth

Piranha 3D

Now to end my top 6 and again in no particular order is a trashy grade B movie in some peoples opinion but not mine. When I go to horror film there are 2 things it can do to impress me, one scare the hell out of me, the other give me tons of gore, nudity and over the top performances. Well I will let you know that Piranha 3D did not scare me in the least, not worried about giant piranha’s attacking me.

Lake Victoria grows from 5000 to 50,000 and this year we have a new guest ancient man eating piranhas. The movie starts with throwback Richard Dreyfus fishing and an earthquake happen’s which opens up a subterranean cave and releases these viscous piranha. They quickly find a food supply in nubile semi-clothed college kids on spring break.

Here is the story in a nutshell because lets be serious, the story is not what we come to a movie like Piranha for. Sheriff Forester (Elizabeth Shue) is trying to maintain order in her sleep town during spring break and then the piranha invasion occurs. She tells her son Jake to stay at home with his 2 younger siblings but Jake is tempted by the evil host of Wet & Wild and soon finds himself on the lake with the piranhas everywhere. To add to his trouble his brother and sister are trapped on a little island and need rescuing. So we have to rescue the young kids, and try to survive the piranha infested waters while trying to hook up with old flame and hot Wet and Wild chicks.

The kills come quick and often in this movie and are glorious in there viciousness, everything from a topless woman on a para sail who ends up to her waist in the water and when pulled up is half eaten, to a woman who has a piranha eat their way through her head. This movies is full of kills and almost all of them are done in close up and well lit.

The movie ends with a giant kill fest during a wet T-shirt contest which is worth the price of admission itself.

Below is a link to the trailer for Piranha 3D

Below is a link to an interview with Kelly Brook

There is is my Top 6 from 2010.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2010 TIFF Mini Movie Review Updated September 20

Tuesday, September 08, 2010

TIFF Ratings and Mini-Reviews

OK, so I am back it is 2010 and time again for TIFF and Steve’s famous mini reviews. I started these last year and some people enjoyed them and this year my friend Kelly follows my blog faithfully so I am going to do the best to keep them updated.

I have no idea who will be reading these but should say a few things about me so you know what kinds of movies I like. I am a horror film fan and do not like comedies for the most part and when I do like a comedy it is usually a darker comedy. I do like romance movies though which I know does not make any sense, I loved The Lake House and Leaving Las Vegas to me was a truly romantic movie. OK 2 more things I truly believe 90% of all movies can be made better with zombies in them and any movie with Angelina Jolie of Amanda Seyfried should have a nude scene featuring them, should be written in there contracts.

If after the above you want to go some where else for movie reviews and opinions I understand. I do try and look for the good in all the movies I review.

The ratings will be on following scale

0 - never see run from room if ever shown

1 - watch it only if tied down in Clockwork Orange chair or promised pleasures of 72 virgins once completed watching it

2 - OK you have a dentist appointment for a root canal or you can watch this movie well need I say anymore

3 -

4 -

5 -

6 -

7 -

8 -

9 - if you see it on TV while you are just passing by you stop and watch it loosing yourself in the movie

10 - you must own the DVD even if means you have fight a zombie for a copy or even worse a angry boxing day crowd at Wal-Mart(aka the devil)

11 - most awesome movie ever made on par with such classics as Blade Runner, Sound of Music and Dawn of the Dead 1979 version

Thursday September 09

Movie 1


Rating Legend of Beaver Dam 7.01
Rating FUBAR II 3.4

OK, the short film The Legend of Beaver Dam was a terrific mix between musical and slasher film, I think given enough time you would have seen a much tamer version of something like this on Glee. I am so glad it was down here first and was very well done from an effects point of view and story. It reminded me of The Lobotomymobile at TADD last year.

Now on to FUBAR II, the original FUBAR was a mocumentary about basically 2 hosers/metal heads and their lives. They basically drank beer, smoked a little dope and enjoyed life. The movie worked for a couple of reasons the interaction between Terry and Dean and the film crew. They also did harmless things like camping and just listening to music.

FUBAR II we find the boys celebrating Dean’s 5 year cancer free and already we find a difference, this is just a movie, not a mocumentary. During the party Dean drops acid and Tron drops by and it is obvious unlike the 1st movie he has not settled down. Next thing the boys are on their way to “The Mac” as it is referred to in the movie. Along the way they quickly stop in and pay a visit to Dean’s daughter who is longing just to spend time with her dad and they also rip off a hitchhiker. In “The Mac” they get jobs and the movie is just one over blown party scene to another and none of them are very realistic.

It was not a very good movie, insulting to everyone and everything, they lost the fun and innocence of the first movie.

Hoping the rest of the festival does not follow this track.

Friday September 10

Movie 1

The Legend of the Fist 12:00 PM

Rating 6.987

This was marketed or at least the write up said it was kind of a homage to Bruce Lee seeing as Bruce would have turned 70 this year. The movie starts in WW1 showing the Chinese laborers who were sent over to help on the front lines and some of what they went through. Then when the war was over they returned to China and had to contend with the Japanese occupation and the rest of the world ignored this.

This story takes place in Shanghai and involves the legend of Chen Zhen a sort of mythical hero in Chinese heritage. This movie is much more than an action movie but the action scenes are incredible. The director Andrew Lau creates a Shanghai that is eerily similar to Casablanca from that movie only with much more action. Donnie Yen is amazing as Chen Zhen.

Movie 2

Cirkus Columbia 3:00 PM

Rating 4.034

This a pretty standard foreign film set in southern Herzegovina after communism has fallen but before the civil war has started. The movie starts with Lucija and her son Martin living in a small village, things are pretty normal, Martin has a friend in the military who helps him with his ham radio.

Then Martin’s absent father shows up after 20 years of exile and things begin to change. Martin’s father has him and his mother tossed out of their home of 20 years and also has his mother tossed in jail. The movie shows how the corruption and poverty under communist rule was just accepted. It was an OK movie but not really my cup of tea. It was well acted and did reinforce the fact that I am glad I did not grow up in a communist country.

Movie 3

Stone 9:00 PM

Rating 5.0034

OK, we have Robert De Niro, Edward Norton, Francis Conroy and Milla Jovovich, this would think would make a great movie or at least a decent movie, well that is not always the case.

This movie was a huge disappointment as it had a good story but went nowhere. De Niro plays a prison employee who evaluates prisoners for parole hearings and Francis Conroy plays his wife of many years. Jack Mabry (De Niro) is in the final stages of a long career and one of his last cases is that of Stone (Ed Norton) who is coming up for parole. The 2 of them begin a dialogue and then Jack gets involved with Stones wife and the movie seems to start going in a number of directions and for awhile you try and figure out how all of these story lines will converge but they never do.

A convoluted and disjointed story that never really lives up to anything. One of the few redeeming things at this screening was seeing Milla Jovivich in person and she is as hot in person as she is on screen.

If you are a De Niro or Ed Norton fan rent something else, but Milla and Francis Conroy were good in supporting roles.

Movie 4

Super 11:59 PM

Rating 8.634

OK, 2nd night of Midnight Madness and I hope it is better than the first night. Well I should not have worried, as James Gunn delivered well beyond expectations. I liked James Gunn’s 1st movie Slither (one of the few) and was looking forward to this one.

Frank (Ranin Wilson) is a loveable loser who is married to Sarah (Liv Tyler) a recovering addict and their lives are quite boring. Sarah leaves/kidnapped by a Jacque (Kevin Bacon) a drug dealer and Frank is devastated and does not know what to do. Frank has a vision that he should become a super hero and rescue Sarah and help others.

After an initial failure Frank seeks the information from a comic book worker Libby (Ellen Page) and soon the Crimson Bolt is created and joined some time later by his loyal sidekick Boltie. The movie progresses with the Crimson Bolt/Frank fighting crime and injustice in the way he feels is right. Along the way he is joined by Boltie/Libby and the two of them fight crime together. The results are serious sometimes and comical other times but always entertaining.

This movie works on so many levels and has great performances by all involved that it is a true gem. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Kick-Ass or The Defendor.

Saturday September 11 Happy Birthday to my daughter Cassie

Movie 1

The Pipe 9:00 AM


Movie 2

Trust 11:00 AM


Movie 3

Mataraki 4:30 PM


Movie 4

Beginners 9:00 PM


Movie 5

Bunraku 11:59 PM


Sunday September 12

Movie 1

Easy A 9:30 AM


Movie 2

Conviction 12:30 PM


Movie 3

Hereafter 9:00 PM


Movie 4

Vanishing on 7th Street 11:59 PM


Monday September 13

Movie 1

Client 9 The Rise and fall of Elliot Spitzer 12:30 PM


Movie 2

127 Hours 3:00 PM


Movie 3

Rabbit Hole 9:00 PM


Movie 4

John Carpenter’s The Ward 11:59 PM


Tuesday September 14

Movie 1

Black Swan 11:00 AM


Movie 2

Let me In 3:00 PM


Movie 3

Henry’s Crime 9:00 PM


Movie 4

Insidous 11:59 PM


Wednesday September 15 Roger Waters Concert #1

Movie 1

Buried 12:30 PM


Movie 2

The Promise: The Making of Darkness on the Edge of Town 2:30 PM


Movie 3

I Saw the Devil 4;45 PM


Movie 4

Route Irish [not going due to Roger Waters concert but seeing it on Saturday September 18] 9:00 PM


Roger Waters Concert at ACC

Movie 5(after concert will make it for sure)

Red Nights 11:59 PM


Thursday September 16 Roger Waters Concert #2

Movie 1

Dirty Girl 12:30 PM


Movie 2

What’s Wrong with Virginia 2:30 PM


Movie 3

A Screaming Man 4:45 PM


Movie 4

RIO Sex Comedy [not going due to Roger Waters concert, gave tickets to girl at TIFF office] 9:00 PM


Roger Waters Concert #2 at ACC

Movie 5(after concert will make it for sure)

The Butcher, The Chef and The Swordsman 11:59 PM


Friday September 17

Movie 1

Passion Play 11:00 AM


Movie 2

Oliver Sherman 3:00 PM


Movie 3

Girl in the Yellow Boots 9:00 PM


Movie 4

Stake Land 11:59 PM


Saturday September 18 Normally the Last Day of the Festival

Movie 1

Special Treatment 9:00 AM


Movie 2

Machete, Maidens Unleashed 12:30 PM


Movie 3

Route Irish 3:00 PM


Movie 4

Fire of Conscience 11:59 PM


Sunday September 19 New Last Day of the Festival

Movie 1

Tabloid 9:30 AM


Movie 2

Tears of Gaza 12:30 PM


Movie 3

Monsters 3:00 PM


Monday, April 12, 2010

My Favorite Music "The Begining"

OK, below are some lists of my top 6 bands in different categories. I will elaborate why certain bands made certain lists in the days, weeks and months to come. I will also be adding specific lists of songs and why they are on their lists as well. I want to put one caveat on the lists below because I know I will get flak from some people for leaving people off the lists. These lists are bands only, not individuals or duos, they must be known as a band. This has caused me to exclude some individuals and I will deal with individual artists at a later date.

Making lists is an interesting experience because it makes you re-examine why you listen to certain bands and what they mean to you. These lists are in no particular order after the first band. The first band stands alone in my musical love and always will. Remember these are my lists not yours and I will accept criticism and opinions but they will not dissuade me from my list.








TOP 6 CANADIAN MUSIC GROUPS of ALL TIME(I have excluded any bands who appear on my TOP 6 of ALL TIME)








U2 (14 times I have seen them)

METALLICA (8 times I have seen them)

THE TRAGICALLY HIP (6 times I have seen them, maybe more can’t remember)

KISS (3 times I have seen them)

AC/DC (2 times I have seen them)

HEART (3 times I have seen them)

And now to delve a little into each list with some background on why certain bands are on my lists and why some people were left off.


Anyone who knows me at all knows that those 4 Irish lads from Mount Temple Comprehensive School in Dublin will always be #1 in my heart. They came from humble beginnings and from the time I heard the EP “Under a Blood Red Sky” I was hooked. This is a band that combines raw emotion with ever changing musical influences and they do to this day. They are one of the few bands that can truly play a stadium and make everyone there feel like their playing to them. I know they are known for political causes and everything to be they will always be 4 angry young Irish lads just trying to make enough money to get out of Dublin and see the world. They have been labeled as selling out which most successful bands get which is unfortunate because any band who has changed their style as much as U2 has is not a sell out. Their music reflects the music they are listening too and enjoying but always done U2 style.

I was in my 20’s when the NWOBHM happened and for those who don’t know that acronym it stands for New Wave of British Heavy Metal and one of the bands on the fore front was Iron Maiden. With album covers that would drive parents crazy and the typical long hair and blue jeans and T-shirts this was a band parents hoped would die a quick death. If they had looked a little closer they would have seen a band that was heavily influenced by classic literature, amazing and skillfully designed stage shows and a work ethic that bread success. It has been over 30 years since they formed and 2010 is the 30th anniversary of the first Iron Maiden album and they are still going strong. I have loved their music from the beginning and can proudly say both of my step-kids are big Maiden fans. They have put out albums based on famous science fiction authors, introduced 2 generations to poetry without even them realizing it and through all of this had a mascot “Eddie” that has thrived. A high light for me was an early concert of Iron Maiden headlining their Number of the Beast tour with Girls School and the Scorpions opening for them.

I will admit I was a little bit slow to catch on to The Tragically Hip but once they have a hold of you it is hard to let go of that melodic hard driving rock and roll. They have been called the poet laureates of Canadian rock and roll and it is a title I think fits. I have seen them everywhere from a bar where I sat on the stage while Gordie sang and had trouble standing to seeing them headline a 35,000 person Roadside Attraction and also a little intimate gig called Woodstock 99 where they opened the main stage on Saturday morning. I have rarely been prouder to be a Canadian as I was that day when they strode out in 100 degree temperatures to a sea of flags and applause. Gord Downie looked very dapper and sophisticated in a suit to lead the band through a hectic set not even seeming to sweat in the heat. This band has made a career of intelligent lyrics, crafted through and around intricate and catchy melodies without ever losing their Canadian heritage. If you listen to “Lonely End of the Rink” you will understand what it is to not only be a hip fan but also a Canadian.

What can I say about those 4 mop tops from Liverpool that already hasn’t been said. I have been to Liverpool seen Abbey road, done the pose thing. I don’t think they even knew what they were doing at the time, changing music, changing the music industry, changing culture and yes even changing the world forever. They seemed like 4 guys who until the end just loved playing and making music, there will never ever be a band like The Beatles. My mother used to tell me I was a huge Beatles fan when I was a toddler and this was in Germany in the 60’s when The Beatles were first starting out, she told me we had all the records and 45’s(mom why didn’t you keep them :)). I guess I had good musical taste back then. It does not matter who the artist is, country, punk, heavy metal, ask them about influences and invariably those 4 lads from Liverpool will be mentioned. I can’t imagine a list of musical greats in this or the last century that would not feature The Beatles.

When I was about 11 or 12 my older brother was in the 14/15 range and he would come home way past my bedtime and wake me with this group or that group that I just had to hear. It would usually end with our dad yelling a great deal and me being introduced to a new and exciting band, from The Who, to Deep Purple and one night it was Led Zeppelin 3 “The Immigrant Song”. This was 3 minutes of loud and heavy music that would forever change my life. Since that day I have been and always will be a Led Zeppelin fan and still dream that one day I will see them perform with Jason Bonham on drums with the remaining members. The Beatles may have changed a generation but no band has had such an influence on music in such a short period of time. In today’s world a band takes 1-3 years to make a record if you are lucky, if you happen to be a G’n’R fan well you might want to stop reading, Led Zeppelin released Led Zeppelin 1 and Led Zeppelin 2 in the same year. That’s right Communication Breakdown, Good Times Bad Times and Heartbreaker, Living Loving Maid all in the same fucking year. It is staggering to think of that. They were only together for 10 years and from the beginning it seemed they were the band that burned the flame bright and always, there was no half way with Zeppelin it was 110% from the music to the rock and roll lifestyle.

OK I know what you’re saying why the hell does Trooper deserve to be on a list with the likes of Led Zeppelin, U2 and The Beatles? Well, remember it is my list and growing up in Canada no band was more influential and more popular than Trooper. It seemed every summer on the radio from the time I became a teenager till the time I was driving my parents car there was a Trooper song on the radio. From the beginnings with General Hand Grenade to Two for the Show and then their popularity sky rocketed in Canada with Were Here for a Good Time not a Long Time and Oh Pretty Lady. This band has seen the music industry move on but every year Ra McGuire and Brian Smith the leaders of Trooper get in a van and from their homes on Vancouver Island they tour this great country and play to thousands of fans. If I am having a bad day and need cheering up well nothing makes an old Canadian feel better than The Boys in the Bright White Sports Car. If I ever win a lottery rest assured I will be having a beach party some place and I will be having Trooper play all weekend and you know want you can book them from their web site apparently. This is a Canadian rock band that loves to play rock and roll for the fans, in 2003 I saw them at a cabaret during Grey Cup and after they played Ra and Brian then came and sat at a table and signed autographs and drank beer with the fans, only in Canada.

OK that’s it my 6 favorites of all time and I have been lucky enough to see 4 of them in concert multiple times. Well in my next blog we will discuss my 6 favorite Canadian bands of all time.